Any questions?

Frequently asked questions

We advise you to book directly online on our website, using our reservation system. A booking is confirmed as soon as payment has been received.

Reservations are neither exchangeable nor refundable, except in the case ofcancellation service by the establishment.

We only accept holiday vouchers on board. In this case, please send us an email so that we can register the reservation:
Luncheon vouchers are not accepted.

All our tables are exclusively upstairs, each with a window.

We guarantee privacy between tables, and never seat people who don't know each other at the same table.

Children under 3 years of age are not accepted on board our vehicles.

We advise you to book directly online on our website, using our reservation system. A booking is confirmed as soon as payment has been received.

Reservations are neither exchangeable nor refundable, except in the case ofcancellation service by the establishment.

We only accept holiday vouchers on board. In this case, please send us an email so that we can register the reservation:
Luncheon vouchers are not accepted.

All our tables are exclusively upstairs, each with a window.

We guarantee privacy between tables, and never seat people who don't know each other at the same table.

Children under 3 years of age are not accepted on board our vehicles.

Gift cards can be purchased directly from the gift card from our site.

All you have to do is select the package you'd like to offer and enter your contact details (the contact details of the person giving the gift).
After payment, you'll receive an email with a pdf gift card to print out and give to the lucky recipients.

In the 12 months following the issue of the card, beneficiaries can reserve a table using the formulas offered (lunch or dinner, with or without drinks) by entering the coupon code at the last stage of the online reservation process.

For all booking requests involving changes to the gift received, please contact us by email:

Our lunch takes 1h30, our dinner 2h45.

The 360° panoramic view allows us to take photos from inside the building, and we walk past the monuments, stopping briefly in front of each one.

Drinks can be ordered and paid for directly on board: by credit card, cash or vacation vouchers. However, we do not accept cheques.

Smoking is prohibited on board.

Ages 3 to 12

Yes, we have toilets in the vehicle.

Yes, we have a space close to the driver where we can store some luggage.

Yes, we have a space close to the driver where we can store some luggage.

Privatization rates are all-inclusive. Please do not hesitate to contact us by email if you have any questions:

Réservez une table à bord d'un bus à impériale à Paris